Hello World | Redux

Here we are again. Another Hello World post with another attempt to regularly publish my thoughts and experiences into the world. I have lost count of how many times I have posted a Hello World but it has to be at least 4, inclusive of this one, but that is the price I pay for continually attempting to start a regular blogging practice.

For this attempt I have decided to avoid trying to be too technical and focus instead on the content and let the system get out of my way. My most recent attempt to blog was utilising a static web building and became more complicated than I wanted. This meant I found every excuse not to practice writing and got in my own way. The longer that continued, the harder it got.

So this time I’ve decided to just go down the Squarespace route. It gives me everything I could hope to want for the moment and the medium term as well as the ability to grow in future and all wrapped up in a sleek web builder package.

With all this said, I still need to actually do this. This is my line in the sand for the past and future. 2025; as good a year as any right?